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Global Asset Allocation

Portfolio construction service, advising CIOs and asset allocation teams on the optimum way to structure a global multi-asset portfolio.

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Global Asset Allocation

Focuses on holistic portfolio performance, balancing our views, with hedges against alternative scenarios, and looking for portfolio positions where risk is best rewarded.

Part of your investment process

We often call into clients' investment committees, trustee meetings, or the allocation team's monthly discussion.

Recommendations on all major assets

Quant models supporting the equity country and sector recommendations.

Regular conference calls with our team

Stress-test your views and get new insights and a comprehensive discussion of the macro data.

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"We understand that every investor is different. We can become part of a client's asset allocation process to help identify where best to take risk to achieve the required portfolio return.”

Garry Evans, Chief Strategist, Global Asset Allocation

What is included

Global Asset Allocation - What's Included

Quarterly Reports

Cover all major asset classes globally. Emphasis is placed on where we have added value, as well as where we have fallen short. Our model portfolio performance is reviewed to hold us accountable.  These are backed up with Monthly reports to update the most recent Quarterly report.

Special Reports

We have written on such diverse topics as how we apply the principles of behavioral finance, sector versus country effects, a series of indicators to monitor for the onset of an equity bear market, and the role of hedge funds, among many others.

Client Interaction

We can extract any part of our process and highlight its relevance to you.  We can tailor calls and visits, review your portfolio against the BCA view and/or act as a sounding board for your allocation issues.

Quarterly Webcasts

Presentations and roundtable discussions showcasing latest research with lively Q&A.

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