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US Political Strategy

Combines BCA’s macroeconomic and geopolitical expertise to focus on the market-relevant policies of the world’s largest economy and financial market.

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Reliable Analytical Framework

We focus on actions, not rhetoric, as in geopolitics. We analyze the measurable limitations facing White House and Congress when they push new policies.

Sector Analysis

We emphasize opportunities as well as risks for key sectors. We reveal when markets are overrating or underrating trendy political narratives.


We respond to clients’ needs, not partisan biases. Coverage is politically neutral, centered on financial markets, and takes a broad perspective on US politics and policy.

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Our Calls

US Political Strategy has a proven track record of helping clients make the right calls.

Jun 2024

Downgraded Democrats’ odds of reelection in 2024

Sep 2022

Predicted 2022 midterm election results

Aug 2022

Showed why Inflation Reduction Act would not reduce inflation

Jan 2022

Sold stocks before Ukraine war and bear market of 2022

Jan 2021

Favored inflation plays post-2020 election

What is included

US Political Strategy - What's Included

Rapid Insights

Short and sweet comments on breaking news or market moves.

Bi-Weekly Reports

Big-picture analysis of policy issues affecting US financial assets, especially equity sectors.  

Special Reports

In-depth, forward-looking analysis of US domestic policy and long-term structural themes in US political economy.  

Conference Calls

Personal and video meetings, plus email correspondence to answer critical questions.


Presentations and round tables to discuss the latest research with lively Q&A. 

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