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US Bond Strategy

Provides asset allocation recommendations to optimize your US bond portfolio, given the different macro environments effecting interest rates and bond yields.

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A Focus On Framework

Our Golden Rule of Bond Investing is a framework we have developed for trading cyclical swings in US Treasury yields. Our reports focus on how to apply this framework to the current economic situation. 

This focus on framework means that investors can still follow our investment process even if they disagree with our economic forecasts.

Detailed Fed Coverage

A view on near-term changes in the federal funds rate is critical to our framework. 

We therefore provide detailed and timely coverage of Federal Reserve communications.

Filtering Out The Noise

Our focus on framework gives us a method for distinguishing the economic developments that are important drivers of bond yields from the developments that are more noise than signal.

Timely Insights

We send out reports immediately in response to important bond market events (CPI releases, FOMC meetings, etc…).

Readers will never be left wondering how an important event influences our views.

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“There is too much data out there. Our job is to filter out the noise and bring bond investors only the most relevant info.” 

Ryan Swift, Strategist, US Bond Strategy

What is included

What's Included

Strategy Insights

Readers can expect 1-2 Strategy Insights each week. Each Insight updates readers on how our views are evolving in response to incoming data. Strategy Insights are often released on the same day as important market-moving events like FOMC meetings and CPI releases.  

Special Reports

These reports dig deeper into one specific topic related to US fixed-income markets, monetary policy and/or US economic trends. As with all BCA reports, the focus remains on how an analysis of these topics leads to actionable investment ideas.

Monthly Portfolio Allocation Summary

Once per month we provide an easily digestible summary of all our views and recommendations, complete with charts for every US fixed-income asset class and updates to several of our proprietary models.

Quarterly Webcasts

Once per quarter our US Bond Strategy Webcast updates clients on our major views and recommendations and gives viewers the opportunity to ask questions.

Conference Calls

Personal and video meetings, plus email correspondence to answer any questions. 

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