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Geopolitical Strategy

The financial industry’s premier geopolitical research. We use hard data to calculate scenario probabilities and market impacts for geopolitical risks and opportunities.

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“The geopolitical method is a time-tried analytical discipline that rests on hard evidence, rigorous logic, and scenario probabilities. We conduct an independent, forward-looking analysis, grounded in cold reality.”    

Matt Gertken, Chief Strategist, Geopolitical Strategy

Investment Relevance

We have a stellar 12-year record of forecasting and analysis built on BCA’s seven decades of macroeconomic expertise. No provider of geopolitical analysis has a firmer grounding in investment research.

Reliable Analytical Framework

We focus on actions, not rhetoric. We analyze the measurable limitations facing nations and economies – what politicians are capable of achieving, not just what they want. We emphasize geopolitical opportunities as well as risks and reveal when markets are overrating or underrating geopolitical narratives.


Responds to our clients’ interests, not partisan biases. Coverage is politically neutral, centered on financial markets, and takes a global perspective.

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Matt Gertken speaks about his BCA experience

Our Calls

Geopolitical Strategy has a proven track record of helping clients make the right calls.

Sep 2023

Predicted Middle East crisis and favored US equities over global.

Jun 2022

Predicted China slowdown post-covid, went long other emerging markets.

Jan 2022

Predicted Ukraine war, shorted the Russian ruble.

Mar 2020

Predicted Biden’s election, went long stocks on fiscal stimulus.

Jan 2020

Predicted 2020 bear market, called for de-risking.

What is included

Geopolitical Strategy - What's Included

Rapid Insights

Short and sweet comments on breaking news or market moves.

Bi-Weekly Reports

Big-picture analysis of policy issues affecting global regions and asset classes.

Special Reports

In-depth, forward-looking analysis of country risks and long-term themes and views.

Quantitative GeoRisk Indicators

Updated monthly with analysis focused on the month ahead.

Quarterly Risk Briefing

Digest of our quantifiable risk ratings, scenario probabilities, and market impacts.

Conference Calls

Personal and video meetings, plus email correspondence to answer critical questions.


Presentations and round tables to discuss the latest research with lively Q&A.

Geopolitical Calendar

A handy list of scheduled political, economic, and financial events updated monthly. 

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